0.13 inch Solid Brass Chicago Screws

Post Head Diameter: 1/4 in.
Barrel Diameter: 0.13 in.
Screw Head Diameter: 0.435 in.
Threading Size: 4/40.
Comparison 0.13" barrel to 0.2" barrel (standard size)

The team at ChicagoScrews.com is proud to introduce our selection of real brass Chicago Screws, T nuts screws and posts. We have several sets of brass screws available with exposed parts in black, male slotted heads, and female unslotted heads.
We also offer blind versions of some of our real brass screws, which you may find ideal depending on your preferences. Although Chicago Screws are normally drilled and tapped through to let the screw bottom out, some people do not want to see the hole. By taking advantage of the blind version you will not see the screw, however, this does not allow enough room for the normal screw. To compensate, we ship our blind screws with a shorter screw.
If you would like to learn more about our brass screws, contact the team at ChicagoScrews.com! Browse our complete size listing below, and place your order online today!
Solid Brass 0.13 inch

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Posts & Screws
All prices are in quantities of 100 posts and 100 screws. The default screw is the combination screw. To order quantities other than in 100s please call 1-800-435-6623
Posts Only
All prices are in quantities of 100 posts. To order quantities other than in 100s please call 1-800-435-6623
Screws Only
All prices are in quantities of 100 screws. To order quantities other than in 100s please call 1-800-435-6623
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