Untitled Document

Billing address

* Fields are required.
Name: *
Company: *
Country: *
Address: *
City: *
US State/ Canadian Province: *
Postal Code: *
Phone: *
E-mail: *
Password: *
Password Strength
  • The password must contains greater than 6 character
  • The password must have both lower and uppercase characters
  • The password must have at least one number
  • The password must have at least one special character

Shipping address

Shipping Address is the same as Billing Address
Shipments cannot be made to P.O. Boxes. You must indicate a street address
* Fields are required if the shipping address is not the same as the billing address.
Name: *
Company: *
Country: *
Street Address: *
City: *
US State/ Canadian Province: *
Postal Code: *
Phone: *

Shipping Method

US customers: If you have a FedEx or UPS account indicate it here and the tariff will be charged by your shipper. Otherwise it will be added your orders.

No Shipper
Fed Ex
Account #
MC2 / Chicago Screws
3800 St. Patrick Street, Unit 104 Montreal, QC Canada H4E 1A4
Telephone: 1-800-435-6623
Toll-Free Fax: 1-877-228-0702